Little Alchemy 2 step by step cheats!


Cheats recipe will guide you to the creation of blizzard from starting items.

How to make blizzard in Little Alchemy 2?

  1. firefire + firefire = energyenergy
  2. earthearth + energyenergy = earthquakeearthquake
  3. earthearth + earthquakeearthquake = mountainmountain
  4. airair + energyenergy = heatheat
  5. waterwater + airair = mistmist
  6. earthearth + earthearth = landland
  7. landland + landland = continentcontinent
  8. continentcontinent + continentcontinent = planetplanet
  9. airair + planetplanet = atmosphereatmosphere
  10. atmosphereatmosphere + mistmist = cloudcloud
  11. cloudcloud + heatheat = rainrain
  12. rainrain + mountainmountain = snowsnow
  13. cloudcloud + cloudcloud = stormstorm
  14. stormstorm + snowsnow = blizzardblizzard

What can you make with blizzard in Little Alchemy 2?

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