Little Alchemy 2 step by step cheats!


Cheats recipe will guide you to the creation of cyborg from starting items.

How to make cyborg in Little Alchemy 2?

  1. waterwater + waterwater = puddlepuddle
  2. waterwater + puddlepuddle = pondpond
  3. waterwater + pondpond = lakelake
  4. waterwater + lakelake = seasea
  5. firefire + earthearth = lavalava
  6. lavalava + seasea = primordial soupprimordial soup
  7. earthearth + lavalava = volcanovolcano
  8. volcanovolcano + primordial soupprimordial soup = lifelife
  9. airair + airair = pressurepressure
  10. earthearth + pressurepressure = stonestone
  11. firefire + stonestone = metalmetal
  12. metalmetal + lifelife = robotrobot
  13. waterwater + earthearth = mudmud
  14. mudmud + stonestone = clayclay
  15. lifelife + clayclay = humanhuman
  16. humanhuman + robotrobot = cyborgcyborg
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