Little Alchemy 2 step by step cheats!

book of the dead
book of the dead
content pack:
Myths and Monsters

Cheats recipe will guide you to the creation of book of the dead from starting items.

How to make book of the dead in Little Alchemy 2?

  1. earthearth + earthearth = landland
  2. landland + landland = continentcontinent
  3. continentcontinent + continentcontinent = planetplanet
  4. firefire + planetplanet = sunsun
  5. firefire + firefire = energyenergy
  6. energyenergy + sunsun = solar cellsolar cell
  7. sunsun + solar cellsolar cell = electricityelectricity
  8. airair + airair = pressurepressure
  9. earthearth + pressurepressure = stonestone
  10. airair + stonestone = sandsand
  11. firefire + sandsand = glassglass
  12. glassglass + electricityelectricity = light bulblight bulb
  13. waterwater + earthearth = mudmud
  14. mudmud + stonestone = clayclay
  15. waterwater + waterwater = puddlepuddle
  16. waterwater + puddlepuddle = pondpond
  17. waterwater + pondpond = lakelake
  18. waterwater + lakelake = seasea
  19. firefire + earthearth = lavalava
  20. lavalava + seasea = primordial soupprimordial soup
  21. earthearth + lavalava = volcanovolcano
  22. volcanovolcano + primordial soupprimordial soup = lifelife
  23. lifelife + clayclay = humanhuman
  24. humanhuman + light bulblight bulb = ideaidea
  25. humanhuman + ideaidea = philosophyphilosophy
  26. firefire + stonestone = metalmetal
  27. sandsand + metalmetal = goldgold
  28. metalmetal + goldgold = safesafe
  29. safesafe + philosophyphilosophy = containercontainer
  30. waterwater + airair = mistmist
  31. airair + planetplanet = atmosphereatmosphere
  32. atmosphereatmosphere + mistmist = cloudcloud
  33. energyenergy + cloudcloud = lightninglightning
  34. humanhuman + lightninglightning = herohero
  35. humanhuman + herohero = storystory
  36. storystory + containercontainer = bookbook
  37. bookbook + immortalityimmortalityMyths and Monsters = book of the deadbook of the dead

What can you make with book of the dead in Little Alchemy 2?

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